Colour in interiors

Anti-stress: the most soothing colours in interiors

Many psychologists are convinced that certain colours influence a person’s mood and well-being. Various studies have even been conducted on this topic. As a result, it was found out that the red shades in the interior actually contribute to increased stress, while the beige and white – is the exact opposite. So it’s important to decide which colours you want for your flat.

Blue and grey shades

Psychologists claim that this shade enhances the mood and soothes the nerves. Grey-blue is a must in bedrooms and bathrooms. However, it should be diluted with other colours. Failure to do so will create the opposite effect. The colour would only be depressing instead of soothing.

Blue shades

Blue shades are recommended for those who love to travel. They bring to mind the sea and relieve stress after a hard day’s work. In feng shui, blue is a symbol of wisdom and helps you cope with anxiety. According to some experts, it is also good for lowering blood pressure.

Lavender shade

Not to be confused with purple, which is considered too intense and not suitable for everyone. The best choice is lavender, which is said to be universal and helps to focus positive energy in the home. In addition, lavender shade is recommended for those who want to lose weight. The fact is that the colour reduces appetite, so it can be used to decorate the kitchen. Just don’t get carried away. Otherwise, the kitchen would be unappealing and one wouldn’t feel like eating in it. But only because it would be uncomfortable to even be in the lavender kingdom.

Colour in interiors

Light grey

 Light grey creates a calm and relaxed atmosphere in the flat. It is best used as a base colour and supplemented with other colours. The main advantage of the light grey shade is that it can be used to decorate any room in the flat. It blends well with blues and whites.

Light green shade

Many people associate light green with the onset of spring. This is very much in keeping with reality. After all, it has a calming and relaxing effect. A room decorated in this colour makes you feel more energetic and relaxed. It is recommended to combine light green with beige and light blue shades. If done correctly, the interior will look stunning.

A delicate pink shade

Many people only have the sweetest associations with the colour pink. That’s why the shade can be used to decorate the bathroom, bedroom, children’s room and kitchen. If the room is used by more than just a girl, the grey and beige shades can be used to lighten the interior.

Beige shades

If we’re talking about beige as a standalone shade, it’s relaxing and reduces aggression. Beige is suitable for ceiling, floor and wall decoration. However, it is best combined with additional bright decorative elements. Or alternatively, use a different colour and use beige as a decoration. Either way the result will be great.